I’ve never lost a parking ticket until today.

One minute it was in my bag.

And then it disappeared.

Like a magician that can make things disappear!

Except that I am not a magician.

And then I am suddenly thrown off guard.

I search my vehicle.

I trace back my steps into the place where I last sat.

And still no sign of the lost ticket.

It’s not a big deal really, just pay the lost ticket fine.

But if truth be told, it is a big deal for me.

I have no idea how the ticket disappeared from my bag.

The security guard assured me I could get a refund if I find the ticket within 15 days.

Like that’s supposed to make me feel better….

Maybe I am beating myself too much of this.

Thing is, I’ve never lost a ticket in 59 years.

Could it be because I’m turning 60 next year?

It would be a miracle if the ticket pops up in 15 days.

I know I shouldn’t obsess about this but I am.

I am going back to the place tomorrow to ask the waiter if he found a lost ticket.

Frankly, I’ve lost more important things.

I have no idea why I am fretting over a lost ticket.

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